Edward Bear at St Andrews

Edward Bear

We welcome you to our Edward Bear Club, which has been running since 1981 offering you a place to come with your child or children.

We meet every Thursday 10am to 11.30am in the Church and the Church Hall. There are lots of activities to enjoy with your child such as puzzles, games, play-doh, colouring and toys for all ages.

On the 1st, 3rd and 5th Thursday of the month we share a special time in the Church by having a short service for the children, which they all love. We have stories, musical instruments and we celebrate anyone’s birthday. Then we go into the Church Hall for tea, coffee, juice and biscuits.

On the 2nd Sunday of the month, at 10.15am, there is a Family Service for us to enjoy.

Feel free to just pop in. 

A Short History

The first Edward Bear Club began life in 1981 in this Parish and came about because the wife of the then Vicar was concerned for young families in the village.

At this time there was an ailing Sunday School but little else. She devised a formula for a short service and social time during the week, so that young mums and their children could get together. In this way they could get used to coming to the church building and would be able to meet the Vicar in a friendly, relaxed environment.  Soon, two neighbouring parishes took up the idea and all were amazed at their success.

Edward Bear is not a “churchy” title and the teddy bear appealed to young children. Edward is the much-loved symbol of the club and he sometimes helps with the storytelling, by singing and clapping!

As a response to many enquiries an information pack was produced. Requests for it came from far and wide, even overseas. There is even a club being used to teach people with learning difficulties.

It is our hope that Edward Bear Clubs will continue to be formed and that families will remember where he came from. He is very special to our family at St Andrews.
